In PHP (using built-in functions) I\'d like to convert/format a number with decimal, so that only the non-zero decimals show. However, another requirement of mine is that if
If you want a built-in solution and you're using a PHP version later than 4.2 you could try floatval():
echo floatval(9.200);
echo floatval(9.123);
Hope this helps.
My solution is to let php handle it as a number (is *1) and then treat it as a string (my example I was using percentages stored as a decimal with 2 decimal places):
printf('%s%% off', $value*1);
This outputs:
0.00 => 0% off
0.01 => 0.01% off
20.00 => 20% off
20.50 => 20.5% off
I don't think theres a way to do that. A regex is probably your best solution:
$value = preg_replace('/(\.[0-9]+?)0*$/', '$1', $value);
php> $a = array('0.000', '0.0001', '0.0101', '9.000', '9.100', '9.120', '9.123');
php> foreach($a as $b) { echo $b . ' => ' . preg_replace('/(\.[0-9]+?)0*$/', '$1', $b)."\n"; }
0.000 => 0.0
0.0001 => 0.0001
0.0101 => 0.0101
9.000 => 9.0
9.100 => 9.1
9.120 => 9.12
9.123 => 9.123
$numbers = array(
foreach($numbers as $number) {
echo sprintf(
"%s -> %s\n",
(float) $number == (int) $number ? number_format($number, 1) : (float) $number
9.000 -> 9.0
9.100 -> 9.1
9.120 -> 9.12
9.123 -> 9.123
A trailing zero is significant:
Therefore, your requirement is quite unusual. That's the reason why no function exists to do what you want.