Despite that I have defined the related dependencies as I have added below, getting the java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Today in the era of Jakarta, I needed the following two dependencies:
One thing I find quite weird is that the second dependency is not from Jakarta, I thought all of these implementations were migrated. It works, but I'd appreciate if someone could comment on that.
I've got the same problem upgrading to Java 11 from Java 8.
The problem was change of behavior in ForkJoinPool, which classloader is as of jdk9 system classloader, not the main thread classloader, it can produce hard to solve ClassNotFound exceptions.
It's better explained in this answer
Seems like the class
is not available in jdk-9
jshell> Class.forName("")
| java.lang.ClassNotFoundException thrown:
| at URLClassLoader.findClass (
| at DefaultLoaderDelegate$RemoteClassLoader.findClass (
| at ClassLoader.loadClass (
| at ClassLoader.loadClass (
| at Class.forName0 (Native Method)
| at Class.forName (
| at (#1:1)
which is available in jdk-8, I wonder if you can use jdk-8 if possible might solve the issue.
The first part of the answer by @reta works for me. These are the relevant dependencies from my pom (Java 10):
It seems like you may need to include this dependency:
Or (haven't checked it yet but should work) you may need to change the scope to import for POM dependency.