Currently am using angulajs app.
I want to store some values in cookie. So i used angular-cookies-min
script for add some values to cookies
I ha
angular.forEach($cookies, function (cookie, key) {
if (key.indexOf('NAV-') > -1) {
$window.sessionStorage.setItem(key, cookie);
delete $cookies[key];
The above code works for me however 'Resources' tab of Chrome inspection utility continues to show that the cookies are not deleted. I verified that the cookies are indeed deleted by printing them out:
console.log('START printing cookies AFTER deleting them');
angular.forEach($cookies, function (cookie, key) {
console.log(key + ': ' + $cookies[key] + '\n');
console.log('DONE printing cookies AFTER deleting them');
Hope this helps
Try this code for delete cookie
EDIT: Since v1.4 $cookieStore
has been deprecated (see docs), so from that version on you should use:
I have found some answer
Option 1
delete $cookies["userInfo"]
option 2
.controller('LogoutCtrl', ['$scope', '$cookies', function ($scope,$cookies) {
$cookies.userInfo = undefined;