Is available OpenCL on iOS

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南笙 2021-01-07 18:07

I found this thread on the forum Are either the IPad or IPhone capable of OpenCL? but is it quite old. Also, what I can gather that OpenCL is available to system libraries o

  • 2021-01-07 18:50

    Even with using OpenCL as private framework, on iOS it won't give you the benefits of GPU ( or others like DSPs/FPGAs if existing ). It just gives you multiple cores available on arm processor. I ran the below code to verify the OpenCL devices accessible in iOS and OS X.

    Output on iOS

    ARM CPU Device

    Output on OS X

    Radeon HD 4670
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz

    Source with error checks excluded. Using OpenCL headers available(1) and linking OpenCL from (/Applications/

    #include "OpenCL/cl.h"
    #include <iostream>
    cl_context_properties prop[] = { CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, 0, 0 };    
    //get num of platforms
    cl_uint num;
    cl_int err = clGetPlatformIDs(0, 0, &num);
    //get each platform
    cl_platform_id *platforms = new cl_platform_id[num];
    err = clGetPlatformIDs(num, platforms, &num);
    //create context for platform
    prop[1] = (cl_context_properties) platforms[0];
    cl_context context = clCreateContextFromType(prop, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, NULL, NULL, &err);
    //get num devices
    size_t numDevices=0;
    clGetContextInfo(context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, 0, NULL, &numDevices);
    cl_device_id *devices = new cl_device_id[ numDevices ];
    //get every device
    clGetContextInfo(context, CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, numDevices, devices, 0);
    //get info of every device
    for( int idx=0; idx < numDevices; ++idx) {
        size_t bufSize=0;
        clGetDeviceInfo(devices[idx], CL_DEVICE_NAME, 0, NULL, &bufSize);
        if( bufSize > 0 ) {
            char* devName = new char[ bufSize ];
            clGetDeviceInfo(devices[idx], CL_DEVICE_NAME, bufSize, devName, 0);
            std::cout << "Device Name: " << devName << '\n';

    Suggestion: As of now, we will need to use either OpenGL(2) or Accelerate framework(3). Still not sure, for what reason/purpose OpenCL is copied in as private framework on iPhone.

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  • 2021-01-07 19:03

    Available only through private API.


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