When you execute a SQL query, you have to clean your strings or users can execute malicious SQL on your website.
I usually just have a function escape_string(blah),
I would also escape comments (double dash)
In PHP, I'm using this one and I'll appreciate every comment about it :
function quote_smart($valeur)
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
$valeur = stripslashes($valeur);
if (!is_numeric($valeur))
$valeur = mysql_real_escape_string($valeur);
return $valeur;
$IdS = quote_smart($_POST['theID']);
$sql = "
SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE IdStudent={$IdS};
Needs one more verification if a field can be NULL :
$picture = NULL;
$theidyouwant = 7;
$Name = 'WOOD';
$p = 'NULL';
$p = "'".quote_smart($picture)."'";
$IdS = quote_smart($theidyouwant);
$requete = "SELECT * FROM Students
WHERE IdStudent={$IdS} AND
PictureStudent={$p} AND
That's it enjoy ! (hope the post will correctly send underscores and not _ ;)
Use prepared statements.
Use Prepared/Parameterized queries!
A great thing to use in PHP is the PDO. It takes a lot of the guesswork out of dealing with securing your SQL (and all of your SQL stuff in general). It supports prepared statements, which go a long way towards thwarting SQL Injection Attacks.
A great primer on PDO is included in the book The PHP Anthology 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks by Davey Shafik etc. 2nd Ed. Makes learning a breeze and is excellent as a reference. I don't even have to think about anything other than the actual SQL Query anymore.
Which language are using? It seems like pretty much all of them have built-in SQL escape functions that would be better to use.
For example, PHP has mysql_real_escape_string and addslashes.