I wish to have a small dialog based application which is passed command line parameters, so, using VC++6 I ran the application wizard and chose an MFC dialog application.
Yes, see CWinApp:ParseCommandLine. Also take a look at the CCommandLineInfo class.
In MFC applications, the entry point function is 'initInstance()', like main()
or wmain()
. Use CWinApp::m_lpCmdLine
in initInstance()
to access the command line.
To get the raw command line use the following code (will work on any Win32 / MFC application):
TCHAR *pCommandLine = ::[GetCommandLine()][1];
int nArgc = 0;
LPWSTR *pArgv = ::CommandLineToArgvW(pCommandLine, &nArgc);
nArgc should be 1 when no arguments given and larger than 1 when there are. Then, pArgv1 will be the first argument, and so on...
Use GetCommandLine(), which returns the name of the file being executed, followed by the arguments.
The application member m_lpCmdLine (used like yourApp.m_lpCmdLine
) contains only the arguments.
There is also CWinApp::ParseCommandLine() that you may find useful.
Also try the ATL COM wizard to create a non-MFC dialog application (chose the .exe option, not .dll).