ngAria (an accessibility module) is adding an unnecessary bower import to my Angular Material project - and now it is throwing warnings:
Attribute \"
ngAria, to my knowledge, cannot be disabled and should not be disabled it is core part of angular-material.
To disable warnings you can add aria-label="..."
to the specific following items
I think, I have covered all of them, but there might be other so watch-out!
I think Salal Aslam's answer is better, but if you want to disable the Aria warnings temporarily you could just do a tweak on the console.warn
override you suggested in the original question. Something like this perhaps:
console.realWarn = console.warn;
console.warn = function (message) {
if (message.indexOf("ARIA") == -1) {
console.realWarn.apply(console, arguments);
Edit: for complex situations, more elaborate solutions may be required. Check out Shaun Scovil's Angular Quiet Console
Just add another tag aria-label="WriteHereAnyLabelYouLike"
on md-checkbox and it will resolve the issue.
<md-checkbox type="checkbox" ng-model="" class="md-primary" layout-align="end" ng-true-value="1" ng-false-value="0" aria-label="ShowHideAccountant" ></md-checkbox>
If you really want to disable it, you can by simply overwriting or as angular calls it decorating
the original mdAria service that's located inside the angular-material library.
angular.module('appname').decorator('$mdAria', function mdAriaDecorator($delegate) {
$delegate.expect = angular.noop;
$delegate.expectAsync = angular.noop;
$delegate.expectWithText = angular.noop;
return $delegate;
This is working in angular-material v1.0.6
but you may have to check that all methods have been cleared.
Basically all the above does is replace the public methods exposed to the $mdAria service and it will replace those methods with a noop
(no operation).
Disabling messages globally is possible as of 1.1.0:
app.config(function($mdAriaProvider) {
// Globally disables all ARIA warnings.
(But do note the discussion in other answers about aria labels being important for accessibility!)