After updating my POD install, Xcode sprouted a new issue:
Close you project and go to project path and select your project with .xcworkspace
instead of .xcodeproj
Reason your existing project doesn't contain any library you linked.
Solved - Best Way
pod deintegrate
pod install
Open xcworkspace and clean it before running.
There are several cases that cause this issue. At the moment, this question has no any accepted answer and also I found another solution for the same issue, I am posting my answer/experience here.
In you application, go to Target -> Build Settings, then you will find following attributes.
Set values for those as NO, then clean and build the project.
I had faced the same issue. I declared two classes with same name. Therefore it was conflicting with the class name. It worked for me after updation of class name.
I had a similar problem and I just had to make sure to enable the "copy if necessary" checkbox when adding the framework into the project. Reference only didn't work for me...
Following steps helped me to get rid of this problem:
Hope it will save someone's time like it did for me.