I have an typical CUSTOMER/ORDERS set of tables and I want to display the total percentage of sales a particular customer is responsible for. I can get the
select max([order].customerid) customer_id, count(orderid) customer_orders, (select count(orderid) from [order]) as total_orders,
100.0 * (count(orderid))/(select count(orderid) from [order])
from [order] inner join customer
on [order].customerid = customer.customerid
group by [order].customerid
To illustrate the flow, I have included more columns than you need to see in the final result set. Holding the count(order_id) in a temporary variable will be more efficient. I'm not used to postgres, I hope this works with minimal modification.
100.0 * (
SUM(IF(cust_id = 541, 1, 0)) / COUNT(order_id)
), 1) AS percent_total
FROM orders;
I guess it helps if I would have noticed the postgres tag. I thought it was a MySQL question.
100.0 * (
SUM(CASE WHEN cust_id = 541 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / COUNT(order_id)
), 1) AS percent_total
FROM orders;
P.S. My PostgreSQL is rusty, so if the MySQL query works on PostgreSQL I'd like to know :)
Edit 2
I can't stress enough to be wary of the count(*) suggestion below. You generally want to avoid this with PostgreSQL.
One solution is to use a nested query-
SELECT count(*) / (SELECT count(*) FROM orders)
FROM orders
WHERE cust_id = 541
select abc.item_name, sum(amount) as total
from (select a.item_id, d.applicablefrom, a.item_name, a.final_item_status, d.rate, c.item_name as sub_item_name,
b.sub_item_qty as itemqty, (b.sub_item_qty * d.rate) as amount
from tblitem_master a,
tblitem_master c,
tblitem_bom_master b,
(select rate, applicablefrom, itemid
from tblperiodrates
where applicablefrom = (select max(applicablefrom)
from tblperiodrates
where applicablefrom<='2005-5-18')) as d
where a.item_id = b.item_id
And b.sub_item_id = c.item_id
and b.sub_item_id = d.itemid
and a.final_item_status='f') as abc
group by abc.item_name