I\'m learning F# coming from C# and I\'ve just tried compiling an expression like
let y = Seq.groupBy (fun x -> (x < p ? -1 : x == p ? 0: 1))
For more examples of C# expressions and statements in F# you can refer to this page. For example:
Ternary operator
C# has the ternary operator "?:" for conditional expressions:
condition ? trueVal : falseVal
F# has the same operator, but its name is if-then-else:
if condition then trueVal else falseVal
(Note that "if" is used much less frequently in F# than in C#; in F#, many conditionalexpressions are done via pattern-matching rather than if-then-else.)
Switch statement
C# has a switch statement. It looks something like this:
switch (x) { case 1: SomeCode(); break; default: SomeCode(); break; }
In F#, this is just one of many things that pattern matching expresses more succinctly:
match x with | 1 -> SomeCode() | _ -> SomeCode() // _ is a ‘catch all’ default
You can also implement this using pattern matching with function using guards:
let y = Seq.groupBy (function |x when x < p -> -1
|x when x = p -> 0
|_ -> 1)
Pattern matches may seem longer ternary operator but they are much easier to read when logic gets more complex.
If you want to save the typing you can define your own
let (?=) (q: bool) (yes: 'a, no: 'a) = if q then yes else no
Note that you can't use : in operators so ?= is the nearest you can get.
Usage: maybe ?= ("true", "false")
Yes, it's called if .. then .. else
In fact in F# everything is an expression, even an if .. then .. else
In C# var x = true ? 0 : 1;
In F# let x = if true then 0 else 1
So in your case:
let y = Seq.groupBy (fun x -> if x < p then -1 else if x = p then 0 else 1)
you can shorten it a bit with elif
let y = Seq.groupBy (fun x -> if x < p then -1 elif x = p then 0 else 1)
Another option to consider in F# specially when you have more than 2 cases is pattern matching:
let f p x =
match x with
| x when x < p -> -1
| x when x = p -> 0
| _ -> 1
let y = Seq.groupBy (f p)
But in your particular case I would use the if .. then .. elif .. then.
Finally note that the test-equality operator is =
not ==
as in C#.