I\'ve created a div which drops to the bottom of the screen on click. It needs to bounce, so I\'ve used \'easeOutBounce\' as the ease effect. It works nicely but the clien
This question is old, but it doesn't appear to have been answered. Happened across it because I had the same issue only opposite (div needed to be 'less bouncy'). The solution I came up with was a quadratic equation to govern each bounce (maybe not the most elegant). Here is a jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/NtkNB/194/ This one is less bouncy than the default jquery animation. To make it more bouncy, you will just have to change the equation, which is kind of a pain.
var thing = (-17.34*x*x)+(14.351*x)-2.944;
I used wolfram to determine: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=quadratic+through+%28.343%2C0%29%2C%28.4715%2C.1%29%2C+%28.6%2C0%29