I have a text file with lots of links-each line has a link (i.e the separator is \'\\n\'). i want to write a script so that each link opens in a different tab in Firefox or
Create a text file called whatever.bat and put it on your desktop. edit the file and enter:
set "fileList="
FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN ("C:\Documents and Settings\mdevine\Desktop\urls.txt") DO call set "fileList=%%fileList%% %%i"
start firefox %fileList%
close and save
double click on it
Note: C:\Documents and Settings\mdevine\Desktop\urls.txt is a text file that contains the following:
If anyone is looking for how to do this in Chrome, here is the solution :
@echo off
set URL1= https://www.google.com
set URL2= https://www.youtube.com
set URL3= https://stackoverflow.com
start chrome --new-window "%URL1%" "%URL2%" "%URL3%"
Save this code as batch file and just double click.
Note that there is no space before the = sign It wasn't working for me when i tried with space
The solution that worked for me is:
set "fileList="
FOR /F "usebackq delims=," %%i IN ("C:\Documents and Settings\xwell\Desktop\urls.txt") DO (
start %%i
Four changes I made:
So, the text file urls.txt looks like:
@iceman, @amadain:
refining @amadains solution: the "line continuation character" in batch files is ^, so iceman should change his text files accordingly (add a ^ at the end of each line) and put "start firefox ^" at the beginning of the file . Don't know max length of command line string, though.