I want to use UIActivityViewController
to share files from my iOS app. The main question for me is how do I handle different file types.
What I\'v got s
I tried to implement UIActivityItemProvider
, but here again not all apps where shown for the corresponding filetype. E.g. for a docx-document Word was not shown.
Now I switched to UIDocumentInteractionController
and now there are many apps available.
UIDocumentInteractionController documentController = new UIDocumentInteractionController();
documentController.Url = new NSUrl(filepath, false);
string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(filepath).Substring(1);
string uti = UTType.CreatePreferredIdentifier(UTType.TagClassFilenameExtension.ToString(), fileExtension, null);
documentController.Uti = uti;
UIView presentingView = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.View;
documentController.PresentOpenInMenu(CGRect.Empty, presentingView, true);
Imho there are too many apps, because the file type xml should not be really be supported by a PDF reader, but it is. Nevertheless, it seems to work now thanks to this post:
In general if you’re sharing an image or url, you might want to use a UIActivityViewController. If you’re sharing a document, you might want to use a UIDocumentInteractionController.