I need to obtain a specific bookmark group or folder \"codebase\" among many root folders present. Also, i need to display its sub folder or sub group under \"codebase\" int
I used the below code to solve the problem, Could anyone please certify the below code by checking the "correct" symbol for this answer or by comment.
var temP = [];
var found;
found = search_for_title(bookmarks, "here goes title of an existing bookmark which user need to search"); // found variable will have the id of bookmark we r searching.
chrome.bookmarks.getChildren(found, function(children) { //using the ID of the bookmark we can process further requirement
children.forEach(function(bookmark) { // here i'm dwelling into sub folder to extract the content
console.debug(bookmark.title);// these were the subfolder titles
console.log(bookmark.id);// these were the subfolder ids
function search_for_title(bookmarks, title){ // first argument is entire bookmarks, second argument is title which we specified for search
for(var i=0; i < bookmarks.length; i++){
if(bookmarks[i].title == title){
return bookmarks[i].id; // we will get the id of the bookmark we are searching for
var id = search_for_title(bookmarks[i].children, title);
return id;
return false;