I\'m using powershell to get the Status/Availability of certain users by using the following code:
Import-Module \"C:\\...\\Microsoft.Lync.Model.dll\"
Looks like you have to subscribe to user presence information. Lync SDK MSDN documentation has outlined the solution at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj937284.aspx.
Similar solution at https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/12357db7-769f-4808-bc99-9b2fb2ed8ce2/presence-unknown?forum=communicatorsdk
Only workaround I have found is to create a conversation with the target user like this
$client = [Microsoft.Lync.Model.LyncClient]::GetClient()
$contact = $client.ContactManager.GetContactByUri($email)
$convo = $client.ConversationManager.AddConversation()
$convo.AddParticipant($contact) | Out-Null
Write-Host $contact.GetContactInformation("Activity")
$convo.End() | Out-Null
It doesn't appear to cause any IM windows to popup on the users side.
It would be interesting to see your powershell code for the subscription solution