In Python, how do I convert an h264 byte string to images OpenCV can read, only keeping the latest image?
Long version:
Hi everyone.
Working in Pytho
Use any of these:
ffmpeg -i - -pix_fmt bgr24 -f rawvideo -
ffmpeg -i pipe: -pix_fmt bgr24 -f rawvideo pipe:
ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -pix_fmt bgr24 -f rawvideo pipe:1
You didn't provide much info about your input so you may need to add additional input options.
You didn't specify your desired output format so I just chose rawvideo. You can see a list of supported output formats (muxers) with ffmpeg -muxers
(or ffmpeg -formats
if your ffmpeg
is outdated). Not all are suitable for piping, such as MP4.
See FFmpeg Protocols: pipe.
It works well just a minor changes: This will read the stream in a loop and show each time the last image
adbCmd = ['adb', 'exec-out', 'screenrecord', '--output-format=h264', '-']
stream = sp.Popen(adbCmd, stdout = sp.PIPE)
ffmpegCmd =['ffmpeg', '-i', '-', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-vf', 'scale=324:576',
'-vcodec', 'bmp', '-']
ffmpeg = sp.Popen(ffmpegCmd, stdin = stream.stdout, stdout = sp.PIPE)
while True:
fileSizeBytes =
fileSize = 0
for i in xrange(4):
fileSize += array.array('B',fileSizeBytes[i + 2])[0] * 256 ** i
bmpData = fileSizeBytes + - 6)
image = cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(bmpData, dtype = np.uint8), 1)