Sort two arrayLists concurrently

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春和景丽 2021-01-07 11:38

Say I have two ArrayLists:

name: [Four, Three, One, Two]
num:  [4, 3, 1, 2]

If I do: Arrays.sort(num), then I have:

name: [         

  • 2021-01-07 12:01

    If you don't have repeated elements, then you could just use a sorted Map like a TreeMap instead:

    int[] num = {4, 3, 1, 2};
    String[] name = {"Four", "Three", "One", "Two"};
    TreeMap<Integer,String> sortedMap = new TreeMap<Integer,String>();
    for (int i=0; i<num.length; i++) sortedMap.put(num[i], name[i]);
    // Resulting sortedMap: {1=One, 2=Two, 3=Three, 4=Four}

    If you do have repeated elements then this won't work because the keys of the map must be unique.

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  • 2021-01-07 12:03

    You should somehow associate name and num fields into one class and then have a list of instances of that specific class. In this class, provide a compareTo() method which checks on the numerical values. If you sort the instances, then the name fields will be in the order you desire as well.

    class Entity implements Comparable<Entity> {
        String name;
        int num;
        Entity(String name, int num) {
   = name;
            this.num = num;
        public int compareTo(Entity o) {
            if (this.num > o.num)
                return 1;
            else if (this.num < o.num)
                return -1;
            return 0;

    Test code could be like this:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Entity> entities = new ArrayList<Entity>();
        entities.add(new Entity("One", 1));
        entities.add(new Entity("Two", 2));
        entities.add(new Entity("Three", 3));
        entities.add(new Entity("Four", 4));
        for (Entity entity : entities)
            System.out.print(entity.num + " => " + + " ");


    1 => One 2 => Two 3 => Three 4 => Four

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  • 2021-01-07 12:05

    Instead of sorting the actual arrays you can have an array with just indices

    a[i] = i for i = 0..n

    and you can sort this array based on your numeruc array with a custom comparator. e.g.

    bool compare( int a, int b ) { return num[a] < num[b]; }

    Thus you have both arrays sorted by using these indices.

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  • 2021-01-07 12:12

    In some cases it doesn't make much sense to create a new class just to do multiple sorts based off a given list. I've created a function that does this, but I've posted the code in a another SO post so I wont repeat it. Below is an example of how to use it.


    Here is an example of how you can use the function to sort multiple lists of arbitrary types:

    // The key can be any type that implements Comparable, Dupes are allowed
    List<Integer> key = Arrays.asList(4, 3, 1, 2, 1);
    // List Types do not need to be the same
    List<String> list1 = Arrays.asList("Four", "Three", "One", "Two", "One");
    List<Character> list2 = Arrays.asList('d', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'a');
    // Sorts key, list1, list2 using key as the sorting key.
    keySort(key, key, list1, list2);


    key:   [1, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    list1: [One, One, Two, Three, Four]
    list2: [a, a, b, c, d]
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