I created a ListView to show the list of documents, then created a button \"Button A\" to do some actions, my requirement is I would like the button status may be changed wi
To reduce callback to the server there isn't a row selected event. Instead there is PXToolbarButton StateColumn property to control the button enabled state.
When you declare your button, you specify a Boolean DAC field that will enable/disable the button based on it's value. Note that the button needs the DependOnGrid property set to the ID of the grid to get the selected row:
<px:PXToolBarButton Text="Button A" DependOnGrid="grid" StateColumn="IsButtonVisible">
IsButtonVisible is a custom unbound Boolean DAC field (you may choose any name you want except isSelected/Selected which is reserved for checkbox):
#region IsButtonVisible
public abstract class isButtonVisible : IBqlField
protected bool? _IsButtonVisible;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Is Button Visible", Enabled = false, Visible = false)]
public virtual bool? IsButtonVisible
return _IsButtonVisible;
_IsButtonVisible = value;
You can set the value of IsButtonVisible in the RowSelected event based on your business logic:
protected virtual void DAC_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
DAC row = e.Row as DAC;
if (row != null)
bool yourCondition = ???;
row.IsButtonVisible = yourCondition;
Source: Enable disable button of grid or PXToolBarButton, which depends from value of column in Acumatica