when trying to use spark 2.3 on HDP 3.1 to write to a Hive table without the warehouse connector directly into hives schema using:
spark-shell --driver-memor
Inside Ambari simply disabling the option of creating transactional tables by default solves my problem.
set to false twice (tez, llap)
hive.strict.managed.tables = false
and enable manually in each table property
if desired (to use a transactional table).
Creating an external table (as a workaround) seems to be the best option for me. This still involves HWC to register the column metadata or update the partition information.
Something along these lines:
val df:DataFrame = ...
val externalPath = "/warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/my_db.db/my_table"
import com.hortonworks.hwc.HiveWarehouseSession
val hive = HiveWarehouseSession.session(spark).build()
dxx.write.partitionBy("part_col").option("compression", "zlib").mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).orc(externalPath)
val columns = dxx.drop("part_col").schema.fields.map(field => s"${field.name} ${field.dataType.simpleString}").mkString(", ")
val ddl =
|CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE my_db.my_table ($columns)
|PARTITIONED BY (part_col string)
|Location '$externalPath'
hive.execute(s"MSCK REPAIR TABLE $tablename SYNC PARTITIONS")
Unfortunately, this throws a:
java.sql.SQLException: The query did not generate a result set!
from HWC
Did you try
data.write \
.mode("append") \