I want to open and close an Excel file in MATLAB. I have tried the code below, but it failed on closing process with actxserver
Here is an example that creates a new spreadsheet, write some values, save the file and exit. The Excel process is cleanly terminated at the end.
% create Excel COM server
excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
excel.Visible = true; % make the window visible
% create new workbook
wb = excel.Workbooks.Add();
% get "Sheet1" and activate it
sheet = wb.Sheets.Item(1);
% select a 5x5 range, and fill it with some numeric values
sheet.Range('A1:E5').Value = num2cell(magic(5));
% save spreadsheet file
excel.DisplayAlerts = false; % overwrite file without prompts
% close spreadsheet
% quit Excel
% delete handles and clear variables
clear sheet wb excel
You might additionally want to set certain properties appropriately, if you want the automation to be performed in the background with no user interaction:
excel.Visible = false; % invisible Excel window
excel.ScreenUpdating = false; % turn off screen update to run faster
excel.Interactive = false; % non-interactive mode, with no keyboard/mouse
excel.DisplayAlerts = false; % no prompts or alert messages
excel.UserControl = false; % object freed when reference count reaches zero