Using Laravel 5.3 how can I implement partition. Following is the mysql table structure I\'m trying to add in migration.
CREATE TABLE `settings` (
`id` I
I think it is help to you,
Schema::create('settings', function(Blueprint $table) {
$table-> increments('id');
$table->unique(['client_id', 'key']);
Schema::create('settings', function(Blueprint $table) {
$table-> increments('id');
$table->unique(['client_id', 'key']);
I searched everywhere, i can't solution find for partition.
My suggestion use, below unprepared into the migration file functions of up and down function
in migration to run your SQL query with partition.
DB::unprepared('create table....')
There's now a Composer package for this called brokenice/laravel-mysql-partition:
Here's a sample right from the docs:
// You use their extended Schema class:
use Brokenice\LaravelMysqlPartition\Schema\Schema;
// You might also need this (I didn't need it for partitioning by hash):
use Brokenice\LaravelMysqlPartition\Models\Partition;
// I omitted class and method definition boilerplate...
// Create a table as you would normally:
Schema::create('partitioned', static function (Blueprint $table) {
// ...
// Now partition it (it will run an ALTER TABLE query):
new Partition('server_east', Partition::LIST_TYPE, [1,43,65,12,56,73]),
new Partition('server_west', Partition::LIST_TYPE, [534,6422,196,956,22])