I\'ve read several of the previous discussion about the subject but since I\'m relatively new to Objective-C, I don\'t really understand them. (Blocks, selectors, and delega
It's possible to have C++ and Objective-C within the same project and even within the same file (Objective-C++ with file extension .mm). If the code you're using is designed for a C++ callback, it may be easier to provide that and communicate between different object types outside of that mechanism.
// CPPClass.h
#ifndef CPPClass_h
#define CPPClass_h
class CPPClass {
id m_ocObject;
CPPClass(id ocObject);
virtual ~CPPClass();
void verifyCPP();
// OCClass.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
class CPPClass;
@interface OCClass : NSObject {
CPPClass *cppObject;
- (void)ocCallback;
- (void)verifyOC;
// OCClass.mm
#import "OCClass.h"
#import "CPPClass.h"
#include <iostream>
@implementation OCClass
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
cppObject = new CPPClass(self);
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
delete cppObject;
- (void)ocCallback {
NSLog(@"Objective-C called from C++");
- (void)verifyOC {
NSLog(@"Objective-C called from Objective-C");
CPPClass::CPPClass(id ocObject) : m_ocObject(ocObject)
CPPClass::~CPPClass() {}
void CPPClass::verifyCPP() {
std::cout << "C++ called from Objective-C" << std::endl;
[m_ocObject ocCallback];
To activate this, some other .mm file would have:
#import "OCClass.h"
OCClass *test = [[OCClass alloc] init];
[test verifyOC];