I have a JeditorPane in a JScrollPane. At certain points in the application, I would like to retrieve the text that is visible in the scrollPane (the text that is currentl
You can use the viewport to get the view position and size.
JViewport viewport = scrollPane.getViewport();
Point startPoint = viewport.getViewPosition();
Dimension size = viewport.getExtentSize();
Point endPoint = new Point(startPoint.x + size.width, startPoint.y + size.height);
Once you know the start/end points of the viewport you can use:
int start = editorPane.viewToModel( startPoint );
int end = editorPane.viewToModel( endPoint );
Once you know the offsets of the text you want you can get the text from the component:
String text = editorPane.getText(start, end - start);
None of the code is tested.