I wanted to use winreg module of python for working with windows registry. But when I try to import winreg module, it gives ImportError.
Python 2.4.3 (#1, De
It looks like you're trying to import a windows only module on a *nix platform (RedHat is not Windows).
_winreg – Windows registry access
Platforms: Windows
It can't work on Linux.
_winreg - Windows registry access
Availability: Windows.
New in version 2.0. These functions expose the Windows registry API to Python. Instead of using an integer as the registry handle, a handle object is used to ensure that the handles are closed correctly, even if the programmer neglects to explicitly close them.
This module exposes a very low-level interface to the Windows registry; it is expected that in the future a new winreg module will be created offering a higher-level interface to the registry API.
source: http://docs.python.org/release/2.1.2/lib/module--winreg.html