I need to fix some text that lies between delimiters for the following cases:
Case 1: {12345}
(numbers between curlies) should become item_12345
This should get you started:
s = '{123} and [456]'
s = re.sub(r'\{(.+?)\}', r'foo_\1', s)
s = re.sub(r'\[(.+?)\]', r'bar_\1', s)
print s
>>> import re
>>> curly = re.compile('\{([0-9]+)\}')
>>> square = re.compile('\[([0-9]+)\]')
>>> s = "{242424} from X [100] bulks, linked to {57575757} from Y for [500]"
>>> re.sub(square, lambda x: 'total_'+x.group(1), re.sub(curly, lambda x: 'item_
'item_242424 from X total_100 bulks, linked to item_57575757 from Y for total_50