I am working on react native and I have two files in first I run geolocation
function to get the coordinates and assign it to states. Now I want to access this
After setting the state inside your MapScreen
Component , You need to make sure to pass it as a props to your Hospital
So inside your MapScreen
you need to import the Hospital component like (you can amend the link accordingly) :
import View from '../components/Hospital'
Inside your MapScreen
create a render function and pass state as a props to it (You can amend it accordingly , depending on which props you want to send down to the Hospital
export default class MapScreen extends React.Component {
render() {
return (<div>< Hospital view={this.state.mapInitialRegion}/></div>)
For checking if this.state is not empty or undefined
you can do something like :
export default class MapScreen extends React.Component {
let mapInitial;
if(this.state.mapIntialRegion) {
mapInitial = < Hospital view={this.state.mapInitialRegion}/>
} else { mapInitial = <div>Loading ...</div>
render() {
return (<div>{mapInitial}</div>)
Now inside your Hospital
Component you can access the Props via the object you passed inside your MapScreeen
render function in this case I have passed view
or You can make use of destructing like :
const { latitude , longitude} = this.props.view.mapInitialRegion