Is there any way to do the following process in android Automation using Appium with android driver?
Press home button from some specific screen. Put app in backgrou
Here it is how it works.
Code for Running the App in back ground
Get back back to the current activity again
ruby client allows you to do this with
background_app 5
where 5 is the number of seconds you want the app to be in background. This will automatically, resume the application in the same screen.
You can use this snippet of code
If it is not working then please update your appium
with the latest version and try with the same snippet of code.
Put App in background:
To start App from background:
driver.activateApp("app package name");
Works for me: ((Appium 1.10, Android 8.1))
2 options:
1st solution:
After you close your popUp, you use this line and your app will go to background and back and you will get back the focus to your app.
2nd solution: better one :)
Add this line to settings:
capability.setCapability("noReset", true);
From now your app will start like normal app, without setting reset what means without pop-ups and you will not have problem with focus at all.
I hope it will work also for you! :)