From a batch file I want to extract the number 653456
from the following string:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "string=C:\Users\testing\AppData\Local\Test\abc123\643456\VSALBT81_COM"
for /L %%d in (0,1,9) do set "string=!string:\%%d=\ %%d!"
for /F "tokens=2" %%a in ("%string%") do for /F "delims=\" %%b in ("%%a") do echo Number: [%%b]
Assuming the number is always the parent folder (the folder before the end):
@echo off
set "str=C:\Users\testing\AppData\Local\Test\abc123\643456\VSALBT81_COM"
for %%F in ("%str%\..") do set "number=%%~nxF"
EDIT - Code sample adapted to correct errors shown in comments
set d=C:\Users\testing\AppData\Local\Test\abc123\643456\VSALBT81_COM
for %%f in ("%d:\=" "%") do for /f %%n in ('echo %%f^|findstr /b /e /r "\"[0-9]*\""') do (
echo %%~n
Just precede the path with a quote, split the path, replacing each backslash with a quote a space and a quote and append a quote (so we have a list of elements to iterate), and for each part check if it is formed only by numbers
This uses a helper batch file called repl.bat
from -
@echo off
set "string=C:\Users\testing\AppData\Local\Test\abc123\643456\VSALBT81_COM"
echo "%string%"|repl ".*\\([0-9]*)\\.*" "$1"