There are many pretty good json libs lika GSon. But for XML I know only Xerces/JDOM and both have tedious API. I don\'t like to use unnecessary objects like DocumentFactory,
The W3C DOM model is unpleasant and cumbersome, I agree. JDOM is already pretty simple. The only other DOM API that I'm aware of that is simpler is XOM.
What about StAX? With Java 6 you don't even need additional libs.
Deppends on how complex your java objects are: are they self-containing etc (like graph nodes). If your objects are simple, you can use Google gson - it is the simpliest API(IMO). In Xstream things start get messy when you need to debug.Also you need to be carefull when you choose an aprpriate Driver for XStream.
try VTD-XML. Its almost 3 to 4 times faster than DOM parsers with outstanding memory footprint.
NanoXML is very small, below 50kb. I've found this today and I'm really impressed.
Dom4J rocks. It's very easy and understandable
Sample Code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final String xml = "<root><foo><bar><baz name=\"phleem\" />"
+ "<baz name=\"gumbo\" /></bar></foo></root>";
Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(xml);
// simple collection views
for (Element element : (List<Element>) document
.elements("baz")) {
// and easy xpath support
List<Element> elements2 = (List<Element>)
for (final Element element : elements2) {