I have nested JSON and like to have output in tabular structure. I am able to parse the JSON values individually , but having some problems in tabularizing it. I am able to
There are 2 versions of solutions to your question.
Version 1:
def main(Args : Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("JSON Read and Write using Spark RDD").setMaster("local[1]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val salesSchema = StructType(Array(
StructField("prodID", StringType, true),
StructField("unitOfMeasure", StringType, true),
StructField("state", StringType, true),
StructField("effectiveDateTime", StringType, true),
StructField("quantity", StringType, true),
StructField("stockKeepingLevel", StringType, true)
val ReadAlljsonMessageInFile_RDD = sc.textFile("product_rdd.json")
val x = ReadAlljsonMessageInFile_RDD.map(eachJsonMessages => {
implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
val prodID = (insideEachJson\ "level" \"productReference" \"prodID").extract[String].toString
val unitOfMeasure = (insideEachJson\ "level" \ "productReference" \"unitOfMeasure").extract[String].toString
val state= (insideEachJson \ "level" \"states").extract[List[JValue]].
val effectiveDateTime= (insideEachJson \ "level" \"states").extract[List[JValue]].
val quantity= (insideEachJson \ "level" \"states").extract[List[JValue]].
val stockKeepingLevel= (insideEachJson \ "level" \"states").extract[List[JValue]].
sqlContext.createDataFrame(x,salesSchema).show(truncate = false)
This would give you following output:
|prodID|unitOfMeasure|state |effectiveDateTime |quantity |stockKeepingLevel|
|1234 |EA |List(SELL, HELD)|List(2015-10-09T00:55:23.6345Z, 2015-10-09T00:55:23.6345Z)|List(1400.0, 800.0)|List(A, B) |
Version 2:
def main(Args : Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("JSON Read and Write using Spark RDD").setMaster("local[1]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val salesSchema = StructType(Array(
StructField("prodID", StringType, true),
StructField("unitOfMeasure", StringType, true),
StructField("state", ArrayType(StringType, true), true),
StructField("effectiveDateTime", ArrayType(StringType, true), true),
StructField("quantity", ArrayType(DoubleType, true), true),
StructField("stockKeepingLevel", ArrayType(StringType, true), true)
val ReadAlljsonMessageInFile_RDD = sc.textFile("product_rdd.json")
val x = ReadAlljsonMessageInFile_RDD.map(eachJsonMessages => {
implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
val prodID = (insideEachJson\ "level" \"productReference" \"prodID").extract[String].toString
val unitOfMeasure = (insideEachJson\ "level" \ "productReference" \"unitOfMeasure").extract[String].toString
val state= (insideEachJson \ "level" \"states").extract[List[JValue]].
val effectiveDateTime= (insideEachJson \ "level" \"states").extract[List[JValue]].
val quantity= (insideEachJson \ "level" \"states").extract[List[JValue]].
val stockKeepingLevel= (insideEachJson \ "level" \"states").extract[List[JValue]].
sqlContext.createDataFrame(x,salesSchema).show(truncate = false)
This would give you following output:
|prodID|unitOfMeasure|state |effectiveDateTime |quantity |stockKeepingLevel|
|1234 |EA |[SELL, HELD]|[2015-10-09T00:55:23.6345Z, 2015-10-09T00:55:23.6345Z]|[1400.0, 800.0]|[A, B] |
The difference between Version 1 & 2 is of schema. In Version 1 you are casting every column into String
whereas in Version 2 they are being casted into Array
and DataSet
are much more optimized
than rdd
and there are a lot of options
to try with to reach to the solution we desire.
In my opinion, DataFrame
is developed to make the developers comfortable viewing data in tabular form so that logics can be implemented with ease. So I always suggest users to use dataframe
or dataset
Talking much less, I am posting you the solution below using dataframe
. Once you have a dataframe
, switching to rdd
is very easy.
Your desired solution is below (you will have to find a way to read json
file as its done with json string
below : thats an assignment for you :) good luck)
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val json = """ { "level":{"productReference":{
] }}"""
val rddJson = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(json))
var df = sqlContext.read.json(rddJson)
df = df.withColumn("prodID", df("level.productReference.prodID"))
.withColumn("unitOfMeasure", df("level.productReference.unitOfMeasure"))
.withColumn("states", explode(df("level.states")))
df = df.withColumn("state", df("states.state"))
.withColumn("effectiveDateTime", df("states.effectiveDateTime"))
.withColumn("quantity", df("states.stockQuantity.quantity"))
.withColumn("stockKeepingLevel", df("states.stockQuantity.stockKeepingLevel"))
This will give out put as
|prodID|unitOfMeasure|state|effectiveDateTime |quantity|stockKeepingLevel|
|1234 |EA |SELL |2015-10-09T00:55:23.6345Z|1400.0 |A |
|1234 |EA |HELD |2015-10-09T00:55:23.6345Z|800.0 |B |
Now that you have desired output as dataframe
converting to rdd
is just calling .rdd
will give output as below
I hope this is helpful
HI below is the "DATAFRAME" ONLY Solution which I developed. Looking for complete "RDD ONLY" solution
def main (Args : Array[String]):Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("JSON Read and Write using Spark DataFrame few more options").setMaster("local[1]") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) val sourceJsonDF = sqlContext.read.json("product.json") val jsonFlatDF_level = sourceJsonDF.withColumn("explode_states",explode($"level.states")) .withColumn("explode_link",explode($"level._link")) .select($"level.productReference.TPNB".as("TPNB"), $"level.productReference.unitOfMeasure".as("level_unitOfMeasure"), $"level.locationReference.location".as("level_location"), $"level.locationReference.type".as("level_type"), $"explode_states.state".as("level_state"), $"explode_states.effectiveDateTime".as("level_effectiveDateTime"), $"explode_states.stockQuantity.quantity".as("level_quantity"), $"explode_states.stockQuantity.stockKeepingLevel".as("level_stockKeepingLevel"), $"explode_link.rel".as("level_rel"), $"explode_link.href".as("level_href"), $"explode_link.method".as("level_method")) jsonFlatDF_oldLevel.show() }