I need to add a table to store user settings. For the first time users will have about 10 different settings, but I\'m sure there will be more.
What scalable structu
Settings table columns -: setting_id | setting_code | setting_name | setting_description
User table columns -: user_id | user_name | user_password | etcetera
User-settings table columns -: user_setting_id | user_id_fk | setting_code_fk | setting_value
structure like so:
Users --> User Settings <---- Settings
Hope this helps.
Depends on the settings.
If it's just flags, you can use bit mask.
If it's strings - just make separate fields.
Do not make it "scalable". Databases must be scalable in length (and they are), not in width.
Just plan your database structure before starting a code.
If it will be poor plan - OK, you can add a few fields later. But do not make it on regular basis. It's a sign of poor database design.