I have a Grails application that will run against either a SQL Server or Oracle backend. I am using GORM as an ORM.
I want to map a large text field in a way that su
As hackish as it is, a solution eventually emerged: by querying the Grails configuration at startup time, you can select an appropriate data type.
class Note {
String content
static constraints = {
content nullable: false, blank: false
static mappings = {
content sqlType: DbSupport.bigStringType
class DbSupport {
static def getBigStringType() {
// examine which hibernate dialect is selected, and pick
// an appropriate type mapping for that database type:
def dialect = ApplicationHolder.application.config.dataSource.dialect
switch (dialect) {
case "org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect":
return "nvarchar"
case "org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect":
return "clob"