I\'m using jquery to add and remove bullets on the fly after the DOM is loaded.
Here\'s the code to add a bullet which works fine:
// add bullet
Replace the following:
$('#linkedEventList ul').append('<li id=' + datum._id + '>' + datum.headline + ' <a href=javascript:; title=delete onclick=remove(this) class=itemDelete>(x)</a> <a href=/events/' + datum._id + '>(open)</a></li>');
with this:
$('#linkedEventList ul').append('<li id=' + datum._id + '>' + datum.headline + ' <a href=javascript:; title=delete class=itemDelete>(x)</a> <a href=/events/' + datum._id + '>(open)</a></li>');
click: function(o) {
Hope this helps.
Don't you mean
Also, you might want to consider
That will go up the DOMtree until it finds a li, if you ever wrap your anchor in another element, the last example wont brake :)
You could do it using the index of the clicked <li>
$('li').on('click', function() {
$(this).parent().children('li:eq(' + $(this).index() + ')').remove();
Edit: this works as well:
$('li').on('click', function() {
See fiddle.
I used a combination of the answers provided.
I removed the onclick in the li, and instead referenced the class being clicked and combined that with 'this' as per below.
$('#linkedEventList').on('click', '.itemDelete', function(){
Here's the jsfiddle that works in both FireFox and Chrome: http://jsfiddle.net/jjgelinas77/CsAJn/27/