On window scroll I\'m doing ajax request like this
//doing ajax request
but it is creating multiple ajax
I don't believe there's an onscrollstop listener, but you can emulate it by setting a timeout and clearing it if scrolling continues.
var timeout = null;
$(window).scroll(function() {
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
// do your ajax request
}, 100);
You should wait a short period, and only trigger the request if no more scroll events happen.
var timer, // store a timeout reference
pendingAjax, // store the last AJAX request
scrollHandler = function() {
pendingAjax.abort(); // cancel the last request if it's still running
pendingAjax = $.ajax({...}); // start a new AJAX request
$(window).scroll(function() { // whenever the window is scrolled
clearTimeout(timer); // cancel the existing timer
timer = setTimeout(scrollHandler, 300); // and start a new one
This question offers one solution.
Another way to do this, rather than a timer, is to simply set a flag that indicates that an ajax request is already running, and to do nothing until the flag is cleared by the original request. You could also set a timer after the flag is cleared, if you wanted the ajax requests to not happen any more often than some arbitrary frequency (e.g. no more often than every 5 seconds).