The ArrayList
appears to be populating just fine, but no matter what approach I use, I can\'t seem to get the adapter to populate with data. I have tried addin
The ArrayList appears to be populating just fine, but no matter what approach I use, I can't seem to get the adapter to populate with data
You're going against how the AutoCompleTextView
works. When the user starts entering characters in the input box the AutoCompleteTextView
will filter the adapter and when that happens it will show the drop down with the values which managed to pass the filter request. Now you've setup the AutoCompleteTextView
to make a thread each time the user enters a character, the problem is that the AutoCompleteTextview
will never see those values as it requests the adapter to filter before the adapter actually gets populated with the right values. try something like this:
public static class BlockingAutoCompleteTextView extends
AutoCompleteTextView {
public BlockingAutoCompleteTextView(Context context) {
protected void performFiltering(CharSequence text, int keyCode) {
// nothing, block the default auto complete behavior
and to get the data:
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
if (autoComplete.getThreashold() < s.length()) {
You need to update the data on the main UI thread and also using the adapter's methods:
// do the http requests you have in the queryWebService method and when it's time to update the data:
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// add the data
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// do json stuff and add the data
// trigger a filter on the AutoCompleteTextView to show the popup with the results
autoCompleteAdapter.getFilter().filter(s, autoComplete);
See if the code above works.