Rolling Mean/standard deviation with conditions

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滥情空心 2021-01-07 04:47

I have a bit of a question about computing the Rolling Mean/standard deviation based on conditions. To be honest it is more of a syntax question, but since I think it is slo

  • 2021-01-07 04:48

    There now also is a rolling mean function within data.table itself, please see github disscussion for details. The implementation is really straightforward.

    DT[, rollmean := data.table::frollmean(x, n = 3, fill = 0, align = "right"), 
    by = .(stock)]

    A quick benchmarking of the two, shows that the data.table version is a bit quicker (most of the time).

    microbenchmark(a = DT[, rollmean := data.table::frollmean(x, n = 3, fill = 0, align = "right"), 
                          by = .(stock)]
                   , b = DT[, rollmean := rollmean(x, k = 3, fill = 0, align = "right"),
                                by = .(stock)]
    , times = 100L
    Unit: milliseconds
    expr    min      lq     mean  median     uq     max neval cld
       a 1.5695 1.66605 2.329675 1.79340 2.1980 39.3750   100  a 
       b 2.6711 2.82105 3.660617 2.99725 4.3577 20.3178   100   b
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-07 04:59

    I think your problem is your use of the := function and that you use DT inside the square brackets. I assume your setup is something like:

    > library(data.table)
    > set.seed(83385668)
    > DT <- data.table(
    +   x     = rnorm(5 * 3), 
    +   stock = c(sapply(letters[1:3], rep, times = 5)),
    +   time  = c(replicate(3, 1:5)))
    > DT
                  x stock time
     1:  0.25073356     a    1
     2: -0.24408170     a    2
     3: -0.87475856     a    3
     4:  0.50843761     a    4
     5: -1.91331773     a    5
     6:  0.07850094     b    1
     7: -0.15922989     b    2
     8:  1.09806870     b    3
     9:  0.27995610     b    4
    10:  0.45090842     b    5
    11:  0.03400554     c    1
    12: -0.34918734     c    2
    13:  2.16602740     c    3
    14: -0.04758261     c    4
    15:  1.24869663     c    5

    I am not sure where the roll_sd function is from. However, you can compute e.g. a rolling mean with the zoo library as follows:

    > library(zoo)
    > setkey(DT, stock, time) # make sure data is sorted by time
    > DT[, rollmean := rollmean(x, k = 3, fill = 0, align = "right"), 
    +    by = .(stock)]
    > DT
                  x stock time   rollmean
     1:  0.25073356     a    1  0.0000000
     2: -0.24408170     a    2  0.0000000
     3: -0.87475856     a    3 -0.2893689
     4:  0.50843761     a    4 -0.2034676
     5: -1.91331773     a    5 -0.7598796
     6:  0.07850094     b    1  0.0000000
     7: -0.15922989     b    2  0.0000000
     8:  1.09806870     b    3  0.3391132
     9:  0.27995610     b    4  0.4062650
    10:  0.45090842     b    5  0.6096444
    11:  0.03400554     c    1  0.0000000
    12: -0.34918734     c    2  0.0000000
    13:  2.16602740     c    3  0.6169485
    14: -0.04758261     c    4  0.5897525
    15:  1.24869663     c    5  1.1223805

    or equivalently

    > DT[, `:=`(rollmean = rollmean(x, k = 3, fill = 0, align = "right")), 
    +    by = .(stock)]
    > DT
                  x stock time   rollmean
     1:  0.25073356     a    1  0.0000000
     2: -0.24408170     a    2  0.0000000
     3: -0.87475856     a    3 -0.2893689
     4:  0.50843761     a    4 -0.2034676
     5: -1.91331773     a    5 -0.7598796
     6:  0.07850094     b    1  0.0000000
     7: -0.15922989     b    2  0.0000000
     8:  1.09806870     b    3  0.3391132
     9:  0.27995610     b    4  0.4062650
    10:  0.45090842     b    5  0.6096444
    11:  0.03400554     c    1  0.0000000
    12: -0.34918734     c    2  0.0000000
    13:  2.16602740     c    3  0.6169485
    14: -0.04758261     c    4  0.5897525
    15:  1.24869663     c    5  1.1223805
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-07 05:13

    I met the same problem calculating rolling standard in my data-processing process.So I viewed this site. And I think your problem is using DT$Midquotes not .SD$Midquotes. .SD is a data.table containing the Subset of x’s Data for each group. And roll_sd function is from package"RcppRoll". You can try this way.

    DT[, (sd = roll_sd(.SD$Midquotes, 20, fill=0, align = "right")), by = .(Stock)]
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