Implementing operator precedence with boost spirit

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挽巷 2021-01-07 03:12

I was attempting to replicate this example in order to implement C++ like operator precedence rules (I started with a subset, but I eventually plan to add the others).

  • 2021-01-07 03:53

    The main problem (indeed) appears to be addressed in that second answer you linked to.

    Let me address some points:

    1. the main problem was was compound:

      • your start rule is

          start     %= qi::eps >> *(value >> qi::lit(';'));

        this means it expects values:

          value     %= identifier | literal | ('(' > expression > ')');

        however, since this parses only identifiers and literals or parenthesized subexpressions, the 3+4 binary operation will never be parsed.

      • your expression rule, again allows identifier or literal first (redundant/confusing):

          expression %= identifier | literal | equal;

    I think you'd want something more like

        expression   = '(' >> expression >> ')' | equal | value;
        value        = identifier | literal;
        // and then
        start        = qi::eps >> -expression % ';';
    1. your BinaryOperation productions allow only for the case where the operator is present; this breaks the way the rules are nested for operator precedence: a multDivOp would never be accepted as match, unless it happens to be followed by an addSubOp:

      addSub %= (multDivMod >> addSubOp >> multDivMod);
      multDivMod %= (value >> multDivModOp >> value);

    This can best be fixed as shown in the linked answer:

        addSub     = multDivMod >> -(addSubOp     >> multDivMod);
        multDivMod = value      >> -(multDivModOp >> value);

    where you can use semantic actions to build the AST nodes "dynamically":

        addSub     = multDivMod >> -(addSubOp     >> multDivMod) [ _val = phx::construct<BinaryOperation>(_val, _1, _2) ];
        multDivMod = value      >> -(multDivModOp >> value)      [ _val = phx::construct<BinaryOperation>(_val, _1, _2) ];

    This beats the 'tedious" declarative approach hands-down (which leads to a lot of backtracking, see e.g. Boost spirit poor performance with Alternative parser)

    1. the literal rule will parse an integer as a double, because it isn't strict:

      literal   %= qi::double_ | qi::int_ | quotedString;

      you can fix this like:

      qi::real_parser<double, qi::strict_real_policies<double> > strict_double;
      literal      = quotedString | strict_double | qi::int_;
    2. FunctionCall should adapt functionName as an Identifier (not std::string)

      BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(FunctionCall, (Identifier, functionName)(std::vector<Expression>, args))
    3. You Expression operator<< could (should) be a boost::static_visitor so that you

      • eliminate magic type switch numbers
      • get compiler checking of completeness of the switch
      • can leverage overload resolution to switch on variant member types

    Using c++11, the code could still be inside the one function:

        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Expression& expr)
            os << "Expression ";
            struct v : boost::static_visitor<> {
                v(std::ostream& os) : os(os) {}
                std::ostream& os;
                void operator()(Literal         const& e) const { os << "(literal: "    << e                           << ")"; }
                void operator()(Identifier      const& e) const { os << "(identifier: " <<                      << ")"; }
                void operator()(UnaryOperation  const& e) const { os << "(unary op: "   << boost::fusion::as_vector(e) << ")"; }
                void operator()(BinaryOperation const& e) const { os << "(binary op: "  << boost::fusion::as_vector(e) << ")"; }
                void operator()(FunctionCall    const& e) const {
                    os << "(function call: " << e.functionName << "("; 
                    if (e.args.size() > 0) os << e.args.front();
                    for (auto it = e.args.begin() + 1; it != e.args.end(); it++) { os << ", " << *it; }
                    os << ")";
            boost::apply_visitor(v(os), expr);
            return os;
    1. you can use the BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODES macro to name your rules

    2. you should include from the spirit/include/ directory, which then relays to spirit/home/ or phoenix/include/ instead of including them directly.

    Here is a fully working sample, that also improved the grammar rules for readability Live On Coliru:

    //#define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG
    #include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    #include <boost/variant.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    namespace qi    = boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace phx   = boost::phoenix;
    namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
    enum class UnaryOperator
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const UnaryOperator op)
        switch (op)
            case UnaryOperator::NOT:   return os << "!";
            case UnaryOperator::PLUS:  return os << "+";
            case UnaryOperator::MINUS: return os << "-";
    enum class BinaryOperator
        ADD,        SUBTRACT,      MULTIPLY, DIVIDE,
        EQUAL,      NOT_EQUAL,
        LOWER,      LOWER_EQUAL,
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BinaryOperator op)
        switch (op)
            case BinaryOperator::ADD:           return os << "+";
            case BinaryOperator::SUBTRACT:      return os << "-";
            case BinaryOperator::MULTIPLY:      return os << "*";
            case BinaryOperator::DIVIDE:        return os << "/";
            case BinaryOperator::MODULO:        return os << "%";
            case BinaryOperator::LEFT_SHIFT:    return os << "<<";
            case BinaryOperator::RIGHT_SHIFT:   return os << ">>";
            case BinaryOperator::EQUAL:         return os << "==";
            case BinaryOperator::NOT_EQUAL:     return os << "!=";
            case BinaryOperator::LOWER:         return os << "<";
            case BinaryOperator::LOWER_EQUAL:   return os << "<=";
            case BinaryOperator::GREATER:       return os << ">";
            case BinaryOperator::GREATER_EQUAL: return os << ">=";
    typedef boost::variant<
    > Literal;
    struct Identifier
        std::string name;
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Identifier, (std::string, name))
    struct UnaryOperation;
    struct BinaryOperation;
    struct FunctionCall;
    typedef boost::variant<
    > Expression;
    struct UnaryOperation
        Expression rhs;
        UnaryOperator op;
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(UnaryOperation, (Expression,rhs)(UnaryOperator,op))
    struct BinaryOperation
        Expression rhs;
        BinaryOperator op;
        Expression lhs;
        BinaryOperation() {}
        BinaryOperation(Expression rhs, BinaryOperator op, Expression lhs) : rhs(rhs), op(op), lhs(lhs) {}
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(BinaryOperation, (Expression,rhs)(BinaryOperator,op)(Expression,lhs))
    struct FunctionCall
        Identifier functionName;
        std::vector<Expression> args;
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(FunctionCall, (Identifier, functionName)(std::vector<Expression>, args))
    struct Program
        std::vector<Expression> statements;
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Program, (std::vector<Expression>, statements))
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Expression& expr)
        os << "Expression ";
        struct v : boost::static_visitor<> {
            v(std::ostream& os) : os(os) {}
            std::ostream& os;
            void operator()(Literal         const& e) const { os << "(literal: "    << e                           << ")"; }
            void operator()(Identifier      const& e) const { os << "(identifier: " <<                      << ")"; }
            void operator()(UnaryOperation  const& e) const { os << "(unary op: "   << boost::fusion::as_vector(e) << ")"; }
            void operator()(BinaryOperation const& e) const { os << "(binary op: "  << boost::fusion::as_vector(e) << ")"; }
            void operator()(FunctionCall    const& e) const {
                os << "(function call: " << e.functionName << "("; 
                if (e.args.size() > 0) os << e.args.front();
                for (auto it = e.args.begin() + 1; it != e.args.end(); it++) { os << ", " << *it; }
                os << ")";
        boost::apply_visitor(v(os), expr);
        return os;
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Program& prog)
        os << "Program" << std::endl << "{" << std::endl;
        for (const Expression& expr : prog.statements) 
            std::cout << "\t" << expr << std::endl; 
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        return os;
    template<typename Iterator, typename Skipper>
    struct BoltGrammar : qi::grammar<Iterator, Skipper, Program()>
        BoltGrammar() : BoltGrammar::base_type(start, "start")
            using namespace qi::labels;
                ("==", BinaryOperator::EQUAL)
                ("!=", BinaryOperator::NOT_EQUAL);
                ("<", BinaryOperator::LOWER)
                ("<=", BinaryOperator::LOWER_EQUAL)
                (">", BinaryOperator::GREATER)
                (">=", BinaryOperator::GREATER_EQUAL);
                ("<<", BinaryOperator::LEFT_SHIFT)
                (">>", BinaryOperator::RIGHT_SHIFT);
                ("+", BinaryOperator::ADD)
                ("-", BinaryOperator::SUBTRACT);
                ("*", BinaryOperator::MULTIPLY)
                ("/", BinaryOperator::DIVIDE)
                ("%", BinaryOperator::MODULO);
            equal        = lowerGreater [ _val=_1 ] >> -(equalOp        >> lowerGreater) [ _val = phx::construct<BinaryOperation>(_val, _1, _2) ];
            lowerGreater = shift        [ _val=_1 ] >> -(lowerGreaterOp >> shift)        [ _val = phx::construct<BinaryOperation>(_val, _1, _2) ];
            shift        = addSub       [ _val=_1 ] >> -(shiftOp        >> addSub)       [ _val = phx::construct<BinaryOperation>(_val, _1, _2) ];
            addSub       = multDivMod   [ _val=_1 ] >> -(addSubOp       >> multDivMod)   [ _val = phx::construct<BinaryOperation>(_val, _1, _2) ];
            multDivMod   = value        [ _val=_1 ] >> -(multDivModOp   >> value)        [ _val = phx::construct<BinaryOperation>(_val, _1, _2) ];
            start        = qi::eps >> -expression % ';';
            expression   = '(' >> expression >> ')' | equal | value;
            value        = identifier | literal;
            identifier   = qi::lexeme[ascii::char_("a-zA-Z") >> *ascii::char_("0-9a-zA-Z")];
            qi::real_parser<double, qi::strict_real_policies<double> > strict_double;
            literal      = quotedString | strict_double | qi::int_;
            quotedString = qi::lexeme['"' >> +(ascii::char_ - '"') >> '"'];
            qi::on_error<qi::fail>(start, std::cout << phx::val("Error! Expecting: ") << _4 << phx::val(" here: \"") << phx::construct<std::string>(_3, _2) << phx::val("\"") << std::endl);
        qi::symbols<char, BinaryOperator> equalOp, lowerGreaterOp, shiftOp, addSubOp, multDivModOp;
        qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper, Expression()>  equal,  lowerGreater,  shift,  addSub,  multDivMod;
        qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper, Expression()>  value;
        qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper, Program()>     start;
        qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper, Expression()>  expression;
        qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper, Identifier()>  identifier;
        qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper, Literal()>     literal;
        qi::rule<Iterator, Skipper, std::string()> quotedString;
    typedef std::string::iterator Iterator;
    typedef boost::spirit::ascii::space_type Skipper;
    int main()
        BoltGrammar<Iterator, Skipper> grammar;
        std::string str("3; 4.2; \"lounge <c++>\"; 3 + 4;");
        Program prog;
        Iterator iter = str.begin(), last = str.end();
        bool r = phrase_parse(iter, last, grammar, ascii::space, prog);
        if (r && iter == last)
            std::cout << "Parsing succeeded: " << prog << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Parsing failed, remaining: " << std::string(iter, last) << std::endl;
        return 0;


    Parsing succeeded: Program
        Expression (literal: 3)
        Expression (literal: 4.2)
        Expression (literal: lounge <c++>)
        Expression (binary op: (Expression (literal: 3) + Expression (literal: 4)))
    0 讨论(0)