I have an Ant show page that displays detailed information about various types of ants. On that page there are two drop downs, one for environment: [indoor, outdoor], and on
It seems to me like you want to dynamically populate the dropdown box, which would lend itself to an ajax call, like this:
$('#select_box').on('change', function () {
url: "/controller/action",
type: 'get',
data: $(this).serialize()
}).done(function (data) {
function change_select(data) {
var json = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
var options = [];
json.each(function (key, index) {
options.push({text: index, value: key});
This will allow you to specify the options of the dropdown, and you can use the controller in this way:
@food_sources = Ant.find(params[:ant_id]).product_recommendations.where(environment: params[:environment]).map(&:diet)
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render json: @food_sources }