How to open the gps in Android when it is closed to retrieve the current position. I test two method
private void turnGPSOn(){
String provider = Settings
You can't enable GPS for a user, what you can do is, if GPS s disabled, prompt the user with a message to ask him to enable GPS and send him to the settings to enable it
with this code :
Intent gpsOptionsIntent = new Intent(
This is a more detailed code on how to do it
To get the location you do this
locationManager = (LocationManager)getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
/*try to see if the location stored on android is close enough for you,and avoid rerequesting the location*/
Location location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
if (location == null
|| location.getTime()
- Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() > MAX_LAST_LOCATION_TIME)
LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, TIME_INTERVAL, LOCATION_INTERVAL, yourLocationListener);
//do your handling if the last known location stored on android is enouh for you
in yourLocationListener, you implement what to do when you get the location
It's inappropiate to enable GPS from the code. You can't fo that.
There used to be an exploit that allowed the GPS to be turned on by an app with no special permissions. That exploit no longer exists as of 2.3 (in most ROMs).