When you look at who you\'re following on Twitter, the buttons change from Follow to Unfollow (switch from green to red AND change from check-mark to x-mark).
How wo
I had the same question but I think I figured it out a little bit by checking the element of the following button on Twitter.com. it can be done in pure CSS, for example:
<div class="follow-button-combo is-following">
<a href="xxxx" class="btn">
<div class="is-following">Following</div>
<div class="to-follow">Follow</div>
<div class="to-unfollow">Unfollow</div>
the button will contain 3 different action texts at the same time. and we can use CSS to hide 2 of them, according to the condition:
in SCSS:
/* in SCSS file */
.follow-button-combo {
/* Following, make the combo's class = "is-following"
so only the "Following" text is shown */
&.is-following {
.btn {@extend .btn-success;}
.is-following {display:block;}
.to-follow {display:none;}
.to-unfollow {display:none;}
/* when hover, only the "Unfollow" text is shown */
&:hover {
.btn{@extend .btn-danger;} /* the button color changes to red */
.is-following {display:none;}
.to-follow {display:none;}
.to-unfollow {display:block;} }
/* Not following, make the combo's class = "not-following"
so only the "Follow" text is shown */
&.not-following {
.is-following {display:none;}
.to-follow {display:block;}
.to-unfollow {display:none;}
/* when hover, nothing changes */
bootstrap-buttons.js is a new feature in Twitter Bootstrap. But you can also do it manually using jQuery.
Here's a button (green)
<a href="#" class="follow btn success" onmouseover="change_btn();">✓ Following</a>
now, you need to change the class and content of the button on hover,:
// Javascript File
function change_btn(){
$('.follow').html("✗ UnFollow");
This script will remove and add classes to change the background of the button and also changes the content in it.