I have seen a lot of examples showing how to parse json strings with VBA-JSON, however I would like to know how to create a JSON object from scratch using this library.
You can use Dictionary and Collection in VBA. After that convert them to Json. This is an example:
Sub test()
Dim c As Collection
Dim d As Dictionary
Dim e As Dictionary
Dim f As Dictionary
Dim json As String
Set c = New Collection
Set d = New Dictionary
Set e = New Dictionary
Set f = New Dictionary
d.Add "value", 1
e.Add "foo", "bar"
c.Add d
c.Add e
f.Add "new_key", c
json = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(ByVal f)
Debug.Print json
End Sub
And this is output:
Something like this:
Set Json = JsonConverter.ParseJson("{}")
'Set Json = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
Json.Add "new_key", CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
Json("new_key")("value") = 1
Json("new_key")("foo") = "bar"