Is there somewhere one can obtain more documentation on how to create an extension that uses the Git Extension API?
To further complement the existing answer, and for those who do not code in TypeScript but raw JavaScript:
A call to gitExtension.getAPI(1)
will give you an instance of API that is only useful for its .repositories
member. This member is an array of Repository instances, one for each of your workspace repo. From such instances, you can do all git actions.
However, I must admit that this API is still poorly documented, as most functions accept strings, and it's not always obvious what they should be if you are not familiar with git language. I ended up using simple-git
node module. It has proper documentation and is faster to achieve the functionality you want without losing too much time here.
You can have a look at eamodio/vscode-gitlens, the main extension based on Git extension.
Its src/git/gitService.ts does call the GIt extension:
static async getBuiltInGitApi(): Promise<BuiltInGitApi | undefined> {
try {
const extension = extensions.getExtension('vscode.git') as Extension<GitExtension>;
if (extension !== undefined) {
const gitExtension = extension.isActive ? extension.exports : await extension.activate();
return gitExtension.getAPI(1);
} catch {}
return undefined;