Should I unsubscribe from Cold Observable?

后端 未结 3 1689
误落风尘 2021-01-07 00:33

I know that it\'s good practice to unsubscribe from Observable to prevent memory leak.

But if it\'s Cold Observable

  • 2021-01-07 01:08

    It is definitely the best practice to free the used memory in javascript just like other programming languages.

    Since you are using angular 2 you can use ngOnDestroy life cycle hook to achieve as this method is executed when the component loses its scope.

    Assuming that you use a below snippet to subscribe to a data

    subscription = this._http.getMethod('...')
                        .subscribe(response => this.responses = response,
                        error =>this.errorMessage =<any> error)

    You should be using importing OnDestroy lifecycle hook from angular/core using an import statement.

    import { OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'

    implement OnDestroy in your component as

    export class MyComponent implements onDestroy {
         ngOnDestroy() {
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  • 2021-01-07 01:09

    You dont need to do it because for HTTP observable is calling complete is immediately after action is done.

    From source code sources i can see that on unsubscribe is called on error and on complete.

     protected _error(err: any): void {
      protected _complete(): void {

    I went further and did small experiment by adding unsubscribe with timeout

    var subscription = this.http.get(`apiurl`)
                .subscribe(response => {
                        subscription.unsubscribe(); }, 30);

    if i step inside of unsibscribe to

     Subscriber.prototype.unsubscribe = function () {
            if (this.closed) { // this.closed is true
            this.isStopped = true;

    Then this.closed == true, which means unsubscribe was called before.

    So yes now I can say for sure you dont need to unsubscribe :)

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  • 2021-01-07 01:25

    Since Cold Observables are finite you dont have to unsubscribe.

    Unsubscribe when:

    • Infinite Obesrvables, ex. interval()
    • If subscribed to (Subject, BehaviorSubject, ReplaySubject, AsyncSubject)

    In case of ReplaySubject you should unsubscribe if it cache life time is not provided

    In case of AsyncSubject you should unsubscribe if it is not completed

    • Websocket stream
    • Abstract control ex. valueChanges()
    • Renderer2.listen()
    • Events streams ex. formEvent()
    • NgRx Store

    Do not unsubscribe when:

    • If stream is ending himself ex. of('1','2')
    • Router events, all Observables from Router are unsubscribing them self
    • AsyncPipe
    • Finite Observable ex. http.get()
    • EventEmmiter

    Subscribe have to be unsubscribed if it would not hit complete or error.

    If I am wrong or missing something please let me know. Thanks ;)

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