Can I do model-level filtering in Entity Framework?

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2021-01-07 00:00

In the latest version of Lightswitch, they have added a query pipleline method that allows you to catch all query requests to the database, and add a filter. This allows you

  • 2021-01-07 00:28

    You have to be able to intercept and modify your predicates.

    One. If you've abstracted your repository then you could do something like this:

    All your Entities could inherit from an Abstract class or Interface with and Active property and your code would be:

        interface IActivatable {
            bool IsActive {get;set;}
        class Repository<EntityType>
            where EntityType : class, IActivatable {
            private StackOverflowEntities context;
            public IQueryable<EntityType> GetAll() {
                    return context.Set<EntityType>().Where(e => e.IsActive == false);

    That way the GetAll returns the IQueryable with an initial predicate, the rest will be added with an AND. Like so:

                Repository<Person> persons;
                var results = persons.GetAll().Where(p => p.IsMarried == false);

    Which will result in a predicate equal to p.IsMarried == false && p.IsActive == false

    Two. If it's not practical to change your repository code or code at all you could create a view for every table. The view can just include the IsActive in the where clause to exclude the records and then reload your EDMX based on those views - at least this is the way we used to do in back in the day.


    Three. If you have a generated DbContext exposed to client code you could do this:

        public partial class StackOverflowEntities : DbContext
            public StackOverflowEntities()
                : base("name=StackOverflowEntities")
            protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
                throw new UnintentionalCodeFirstException();            
            public DbSet<Blog> Blogs {
                return this.Set<Blog>().Where(b => b.IsActive == false);

    Just means that you must turn off auto-code gen or modify the T4 template. Easier to just take the generated code, turn of the gen and modify.

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