I have a product entity in which it has an array as attributes:
* @ORM\\OneToMany(targetEntity=\"Shopious\\MainBundle\\Entity\\ProductPicture\"
Add a custom repository method with the DQL for your entity, then call it from the controller
You can name the repository method whatever you want, for this example I'm using findProductWithPicture
class ProductRepository extends EntityRepository
* @param integer $id
public function findProductWithPicture($id)
$dql = <<<SQL
p.id id,
p.name name,
q picture
Shopious\MainBundle\Entity\ProductPicture q,
Shopious\MainBundle\Entity\Product p
p.id = :picture_id AND
q.product = p.id
$query = $this->_em->createQuery($dql)->setParameter('picture_id', $id);
return $query->setMaxResults(1)->getResult();
To use this from the controller
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$product = $em->getRepository('ShopiousMainBundle:Product')->findProductWithPicture($id);
return $this->render('ShopiousMainBundle:Product:show.html.twig', array(
'product' => $product[0]
In the rendered Twig template, you can access them like so
<p>{{ product.id }}
<p>{{ product.name }}
<p>{{ product.picture.whatever_property }}
Try something like this, if it's a one to many, the normal mySQL behaviour is returning several records with redundant product data, if the same case happens here, then only returning the first record should do the trick.
PS: assuming the ProductPicture entity has a url property that you want to get
$query = $em->createQueryBuilder()->select('p.id, p.name, pictures.url')
->from("SiteMainBundle:Product", 'p')
->innerJoin('p.category', 'c')
->innerJoin('p.shop', 'shop')
->innerJoin('p.pictures', 'pictures')