I am building a To Do application in an attempt to get fluent with Rails. There are four levels of hierarchy in my app.
It is typically bad practice to nest routes beyond two levels deep. I would change your routes to:
resources :goal do
resources :task
resources :task do
resources :subtask
Now if you run "bundle exec rake routes" in the command line you will see all of the nested routes and their corresponding helpers. Your current issue lies with the form_for method. You need to add the resource its nested with which in this case should be:
<%= form_for [@goal,@task] do |f| %>
blah blah
<% end %>
Lastly, @goal is also still undefined so you'll need to define it in your 'new' action in the tasks controller. This is normally done by passing the id of the goal your task will be associated with via the params hash and the "link_to" used to get to the 'new' form. Then in the new action in your tasks controller:
@goal = Goal.find(params[:goal_id]) #The parameter can be named anything
@task = Task.new
Then in your 'create' action you should have the association made:
@task = Goal.tasks.new(task_params)
if @task.save
flash[:success] = "Woot"
redirect_to somewhere_awesome_path