I have taken a look through stackoverflow for hours now, and I have found a topic similar to what I am trying to achieve
JavaScript, How to change the background of
It sounds like you're trying to do a slide show. I highly recommend the JQuery Cycle Plugin or Cycle2. The Cycle2 Getting Started page has a nice incremental demo/tutorial.
You could try using different classes for each image, and then just swap out CSS classes in a given interval.
var seconds = 5000;
var step = 0;
var limit = 5;
step = (step > limit) ? 0 : step + 1;
I'm not sure what kind of animation you are trying to do, but you could fadeOut
and then fadeIn
var seconds = 5000;
var step = 0;
var limit = 5;
step = (step > limit) ? 0 : step + 1;
You can try swapping backgrounds like so:
Create CSS Class for each background and include transitions as part of the ruleset:
.background-1 {
background: url('background-1.jpg');
-webkit-transition: background 500ms linear;
-moz-transition: background 500ms linear;
-o-transition: background 500ms linear;
-ms-transition: background 500ms linear;
transition: background 500ms linear;
Add a script that will swap out the classes on a regular interval. (You would most likely wrap this script within $(document).ready) Since your transitioning backgrounds, you may not want the previous background immediately removed, so you can use a delay call to remove it after the transition would complete.
The following example would start the background switch every two seconds, and remove the previous background after 1 second. Since in my CSS, I declared that the transition should take .5 seconds, the new background is already there before the old one is removed:
setInterval(function() {
if($('#background').hasClass('background-1')) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
else if($('#background').hasClass('background-2')) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
}, 2000);
Note: The code that I've provided would require you to chain multiple if/else if statements together, there is probably a more efficient way to go about this.
I've done something similar (background colors instead of images) as a teaser for an upcoming project of mine, you can check it out here.
Update: Forgot to mention, make sure to declare one of the background classes in your Div element:
<div id="background" class="background-1"></div>