I\'m working in c# with several workspaces that have one specific class which his always the same in each workspace. I would like to be able have a copy of this class to be
This problem can be elegantly solves using Protocol Buffers because Protocol Buffers do not hold any metadata about the type they serialize. Two classes with identical fields & properties serialize to the exact same bits.
Here's a little function that will change from O the original type to C the copy type
static public C DeepCopyChangingNamespace<O,C>(O original)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
Serializer.Serialize(ms, original);
ms.Position = 0;
C c = Serializer.Deserialize<C>(ms);
return c;
usage would be
namespace1.class1 orig = new namespace1.class1();
namespace2.class1 copy =
DeepCopyChangingNamespace<namespace1.class1, namespace2.class1>(orig);