I am trying to create a button that is fixed on the lower-left side of the screen. I tried to setup in JSFiddle to recreate what I\'m trying to do.
Here is my HTML:<
I was looking for something similar and couldn't find any suitable answer here is what I came up with.
var $fixed_element = $(".some_element")
var $offset = $(".footer").position().top,
$wh = $(window).innerHeight(),
$diff = $offset - $wh,
$scrolled = $(window).scrollTop();
$fixed_element.css("bottom", Math.max(0, $scrolled-$diff));
So now the fixed element would stop right before footer. and will not overlap with it.
Use absolute positioning instead. Also, don't use left:0 and right:0. Only use one or the other. Try
EDIT: sorry, your code seems to work. What is it you want to do, exactly?
Updated now so that it sticks above footer.
Hope this is what you meant The jQuery:
$(window).scroll(function() {
if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 200) {
position:absolute !important;
bottom: auto !important;