In an rmarkdown
document, I\'m creating a Latex table of regression coefficients with standard errors to compare several regression models in a single table. I\
This took quite a bit of wrangling, but I think it gets you close to what you want. I used xtable
. The main idea is to create two columns for each model, one aligned right (coefficients) and the other aligned left (standard errors). So for a table with two models, we have five columns. Headers and the summary statistics are displayed in cells that span two columns.
First, we have header.tex
, drawing on p. 27 of the xtable vignette:
The .Rmd
file. I learnt about
from this answer.
title: "Regression Table"
author: "eipi10"
date: "August 15, 2016"
- \usepackage{dcolumn}
in_header: header.tex
```{r, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, results="asis"}
m1 = glm(mpg ~ wt + factor(cyl), data=mtcars)
m2 = glm(mpg ~ wt + factor(cyl) + hp + factor(am), data=mtcars)
p_val <- c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1)
stars <- sapply(3:0, function(x) paste0(rep("*", x), collapse=""))
make_tbl <- function(model) {
coefs <- summary(model)$coefficients
coef_col <- round(coefs[,1], 2)
se_col <- round(coefs[,2], 2)
star_col <- stars[findInterval(coefs[,4], p_val)]
tbl <- data.frame(coef=coef_col)
tbl$se <- sprintf("(%0.2f)%s", se_col, star_col)
make_addtorow <- function(, terms) {
# xtable allows the addition of custom rows. This function
# makes a row with a one column (which is used for the row
# names for the model statistics),
# followed by two columns that each span two columns.
paste0('& \\multicolumn{2}{C{3cm}}{',
tbl1 <- make_tbl(m1)
tbl2 <- make_tbl(m2)
combo <- merge(tbl1, tbl2, by = "row.names", all = TRUE)[,-1]
rownames(combo) <- c("Intercept", "AM: 1", "Cyl: 6", "Cyl: 8", "Horsepower", "Weight")
sum_stats <- round(rbind(glance(m1), glance(m2)), 2)
addtorow <- list()
addtorow$pos <- list(0, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6)
addtorow$command <- c(
make_addtorow("", c("Base model", "Add Horsepower and AM")),
make_addtorow("\\hline AIC", sum_stats$AIC), # Draw a line after coefficients
make_addtorow("BIC", sum_stats$BIC),
make_addtorow("Log Likelihood", sum_stats$logLik),
make_addtorow("Deviance", sum_stats$deviance),
make_addtorow("Num. obs.", sum_stats$df.null + 1)
xtbl <- xtable(combo, = addtorow, include.colnames = FALSE,
comment = FALSE)
# Specify column alignment for tabularx environment
# We're using the custom column types we created in header.tex
# \hskip specifies the width between columns
align(xtbl) <- c("L{2.5cm}", "R{1.5cm}@{\\hskip 0.1cm}", "L{1.5cm}",
"R{1.5cm}@{\\hskip 0.1cm}","L{1.5cm}")
tabular.environment = "tabularx", # tabularx takes two arguments
width = ".60\\textwidth", # width, and alignment (specified above) = addtorow,
include.colnames = FALSE,
comment = FALSE)
Here is an attempt using broom
. You'll still need to clean up the labels though.
m1 = glm(mpg ~ wt + factor(cyl), data=mtcars)
m2 = glm(mpg ~ wt + factor(cyl) + hp + factor(am), data=mtcars)
base <- tidy(m1) %>% select(term, estimate) %>% mutate(type = "base_model")
with_am_hp <- tidy(m2) %>% select(term, estimate) %>% mutate(type = "Add_Horsepower_and_AM")
models <- bind_rows(base, with_am_hp)
formatted_models <- models %>% spread(type, estimate)
m1_glance <- glance(m1) %>% mutate(type = "base_model")
m2_glance <- glance(m2) %>% mutate(type = "Add_Horsepower_and_AM")
glance_table <- data.frame("Add_Horsepower_and_AM" = unlist(glance(m2)), "base_model" = unlist(glance(m1))) %>% mutate(term = row.names(.))
full_results <- bind_rows(formatted_models, glance_table)
pandoc.table(full_results, justify = "left")